Horses and other animals have demonstrated psychic ability, which is termed ‘anpsi’ and is part of the paranormal realm. The sixth sense of horses has been demonstrated, tested and documented may times. They have sensed natural disasters before they happen, which is precognition. Horses have an incredible homing ability. When I learned to ride, we never worried about getting lost because the animal knew the way home. There have been horses that had an astounding sense of telepathy. They have reacted to the presence of a ghost, which is ghost seeing. Some have even become ghosts themselves. One striking case is that of he horse Lady Wonder, who demonstrated some interesting psychic ability...
Horses, cats, dogs, donkeys, birds and other animals, including snakes, have sensed disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes before they struck. In 1835, around11:30 AM, a devastating earthquake hit Concepcion, Chile. It is estimated 28,000 people died and that the quake’s magnitude was 8.3. Horses wildly fled from their stables and donkeys brayed in fear and ran about over and hour before the quake struck. While it is true with some animals that they may feel vibrations that we cannot sense, there is no hard core scientific proof. This cannot be proven using the experimental scientific method.
Hosres homing ability is well known among ‘horse people’. The saying is words to the effect of “give the horse his head and he will find his way home.” All giving the horse his head means is not to guide him in any direction. I can personally attest to hearing a horse neigh when a loved one was approaching even without the horse hearing or seeing the person. Horses do have a keen sense of smell and can smell things from greater distances than we can. All of this being said it is not often that we say an ordinary horse is psychic. But than Lady Wonder is no ordinary horse.Soon after a Richmond, Virginia, woman named Mrs. Claudia Lord purchased a two-week-old colt in 1925, the animal began to behave in odd ways. She came trotting toward her owners before they called her – as soon as they thought about calling her. A couple of years later the horse could cont and spell short words by maneuvering toy blocks around with her nose. Lady Wonder correctly predicted the election of presidents and the winners of ball games and the like and grew to be well known around the state. She gained worldwide fame when, During the winter of 1952-53, two boys were missing in Napierville, Illinois. One of the mothers asked Lady Wonder where her son could be found. Lady’s reply was that his body was in a river near home. The river had been dragged and people agreed that the bodies were in one of two quarries. Both quarries were searched and the bodies were not there. Several months later, the bodies were found in the river Lady had mentioned.
Jack Woodford was a writer who had experiences with Lady Wonder. He got a letter from a writer in England who wanted to know what he thought of the horse. All that the author knew was that he lived in Richmond about five miles from her and that some researchers had studied the mare and could not figure out where her talents really came from. Jack admitted to hating horses. He also knew Hollywood wanted to make a celebrity out of her, but the owners refused. But, the letter was from a fellow author, Shaw Desmond, so he tracked her down.
He had a difficult time trying to find her and when he saw her, he found her to be swaybacked, ragged and he commented that she looked old. He thought she looked hideous and he detested her. The loathing was mutual, as Claudia later told him. He was led into a messy stable where there was something with the alphabet on it. There was no place to sit and he wrote that Claudia was not friendly.He asked the horse what his name was and she spelled out “Jack.” He said that was not his name. Lady looked at him with contempt and Claudia looked at him with suspicion. She told the mare to try again and the mare began to type, “Josh.” He used a pseudonym. His name was Josiah Pitts Woolfolk. His grandmother, who was dead, used to call him Josh.
Claudia told him Lady wanted him to leave. The horse was rapping her front foot on the floor.
Jack was puzzled and wondered how Lady could have known the name, Josh. His wife and daughter did not even know. He discussed this with others. From time to time, Jack would visit the horse although there was the mutual dislike.
There were articles about how Lady solved crimes and diagnosed illnesses that were later confirmed by doctors. Jack moved from the Richmond area, then briefly returned ten years later. He received a letter from a Washington official that he and his wife wanted to meet Lady. Jack arranged the meeting, but felt uneasy. He did not join them when they saw the mare. It was obvious the couple was upset when they left the barn. No one wanted to talk about Lady.
When they got to the train station, the woman walked to the train, but the man stayed behind. He was not happy. He told Jack he did not think it funny that he told Claudia he and the woman were not really married, although people thought they were. Jack was stunned. He did not know this, in fact he was certain that no one had known this. Except Lady Wonder, of course!
Weird, wild stuff. It seems to me that if humans can be psychic why should animals not also have the ability. As for the amazing phenomenon known as Lady Wonder the Psychic Horse, the only answer that seems to makes some sort of sense is that Lady Wonder really was telepathic. Lady died in March 1957 and her marker can now be visited at the Pet Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. Lady Wonder is just more proof the we live in a Weird World!
I’m Average Joe
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