Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What is the The Mayan Long Count Calendar all about? Part 1

Many on the fringes of scientific study have proposed that those they call “the gods,” have from time to time, intervened in human evolution. Many speculate that Human Evolution is subtly interfered with on every 500 years.

The above statement simply screams for more clarification, more inspection and much more securitization. So let us do just that, let us look deeper into this theory.

It should not be shocking to anyone to learn that the Mayan and Aztec peoples had a well developed and surprisingly accurate knowledge of cosmology, which can clearly be seen on what is called the Mayan Long Count Calendar. This very accurate time keeper was based on a measure of time call the baktun, which was a 394 year cycle that was believed to be ruled by one of their major gods.We live today in what is known as the fifth age of man or the fifth sun, as the Mayans called it, which began in 3114 BC and it is said that it will end on the winter solstice of 2012 AD.

The Mayans agreed with our calculations that there are thirteen baktuns in our current age. The Mayans also believed that the explorer Cortez was their god Quetzalcoatl, who was said to be a wise bearded white man from the east. Believing that their God had returned the Mayans presented Cortez with their most sacred symbol, a large, solid gold Mayan Calendar. Cortez and his conquistadors promptly melted down this most sacred and most priceless gift. Fortunately for modern science, a large solid stone Long Count Calendar survived in Mexico. The Stone calendar confirms that each bactun is ruled by a new god.

The fifth age of man comprises 13 bactuns (0 thru 12) and ends in 2012 AD. Many Americans for over 1500 years have believed that there are only five ages of man. Which is to say that the world as we know it ends on the winter solstice of 2012 AD.

This brings us to Zachariah Sitchin, who has been labeled a bold student of ancient religions and an astute reader of the many ancient signs of the heaven and earth gods.” A prolific author who has published many bestselling books on the ancient Sumarians, Sitchin claims that he has learned that Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs and Mayans is the same god as Ningishzidda Of the Sumarians, Thoth/Djehuti of the ancient Egyptians, Hermes from Ancient Greece, and Mercury from ancient Rome. Sitchin says that the fact the these many cultures have different names for the same ancient god is easily explained. He claims that the Holy Bible confirms his belief. He claims that Yahweh God created confusion when he scrambled all of the earth’s languages in Genesis 11:7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." (New King James Version ©1982 Thomas Nelson)

The reader should note that the Mayan culture survived for over 1500 years, it dated back to the time of the Greek’s and Roman’s, and it had a mathematical system and calendar much superior to that of the Egyptians, the Greek’s or the Roman’s. Most Mayan history has been systematically destroyed by the more powerful conquistadors and their priests, thus more mystery than facts remain.

The Mayans believed that the gods of the day baktuns were much more benevolent than the gods of the night bactuns. Alternate baktuns were ruled by benevolent day gods then malevolent night gods. They were not all good or evil, and the commonly used Mayan terms of dark and light are more meaningful. They were neither omnipotent nor omnipresent, and sacrifices of the king’s blood may have evolved to mass human sacrifices under a dark god.

Scientists Jose Arguelles and Carl Calleman both agreed that human civilization follows light and dark baktun cycles. They found that the discrimination between light and dark cycles was clearer in areas like religion, language, writing, calendars, and communication.

It is interesting to note that the 13 cycle fifth sun starts and ends with a light cycle. Extrapolating backwards, we can predict that the previous 394 years before 3114 BC were benevolent. Archaeological data confirm that civilization was growing rapidly in the fertile crescent. Gods were benevolent, especially the mother goddess. Women took care of the house, children and gardens; all of which were increasing in size. The domestication of plants and animals was spreading from the mountains to the fertile river valleys, and hunter-gatherers were evolving into farmers. Before 3114 BC, there is much evidence of pottery, plows and farming but little evidence of warfare. The first writing script dates to this period.
Civilization in Egypt and throughout the region grew so fast around 3114 BC that scholars disagree with exact dates for the first metal plow, the first pottery wheel, the first brick kiln and the first bronze, but many signs point to about 3114 BC. Zach Sitchin believes that the gods were active in
Sumer, Egypt, and Bolivia. Peru and England around 3114 BC. In Sumer we find the first cuneiform writing , the first hieroglyphic writing, the first city states, the first kings, the first priests, the first scribes, the first craftsman, the first temples, the first pyramids, the first extensive usage of irrigation, and the first wheeled carts. I have a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, and I think the Sumerian invention of bronze is a clear sign of the gods. Bronze is a high temperature alloy of copper and tin or arsenic, and it would take me the rest of my life to find the ores, refine the ores, design and build a kiln and make a bronze plow.
The Sumerians needed help. Note that native Americans didn’t learn how to make bronze until after 1500 AD. The Americans had vast amounts of tin ore and copper ore, but there was none in
Sumer. Sumer had lots of oil, but how did they develop a sophisticated plan to become the first city state in history to pioneer smelting in a fertile river valley now called Iraq? Many archaeologists wonder about the mysterious new civilizations that appeared fully grown about this time in Sumer and in Egypt, The Sumerians and Egyptians left us more than a clue, they both said that the gods brought them civilization, writing and kingship.

Pre-Columbian bronze clamps have been found in the Andes, in cyclopean stone work. Sitchin's book describes with photos these mysterious bronze clamps which have only appeared at sacred sites. Sitchin thinks that the gods made these clamps, and helped supply tin to the Sumerians. The Aztecs, Incas, Mayas, Olmecs, etc. did not have iron or bronze, only copper. The Aztecs called the lord of bactun 0 the god of fire and time, and they had little written knowledge of prehistoric history in America. They had no knowledge of history in Egypt and Sumer. One should note that even Sumer and Egypt were very separate cultures before the very first bactun.

How did the Maya know that the first Egyptian Pharaoh Menes united upper and lower Egypt on 3114 BC, thus starting the Egyptian calendar and the Fifth Sun? How did they know that it would be a key baktun of light, using oil to fire the first kilns and the exact start of the bronze age? Who knows and who knows what info may turn up in the future to alter my opinion, that’s why I invite you to keep an open mind and keep walking in this big weird world of ours!

I’m Average Joe


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